[ult_ihover thumb_shape=”square” responsive_size=”on”][ult_ihover_item title=”Financial Analysis of Broadband Infrastructure” thumb_img=”id^5746|url^https://reidconsultinggroup.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Jefferson-County-FINAL-5.png|caption^null|alt^null|title^Jefferson-County-FINAL-5|description^null” info_color_bg=”#193b53″ spacer_border_color=”#beb078″ title_responsive_font_size=”desktop:22px;” title_responsive_line_height=”desktop:28px;” desc_responsive_font_size=”desktop:12px;” desc_responsive_line_height=”desktop:18px;”]In conjunction with mapping areas of need, built a financial analysis of what it would take to address the unserved households in each county for the development district.[/ult_ihover_item][/ult_ihover]

Utilized multiple sources of FCC data coupled with Census and State of Ohio data to quantify the extent of the digital desert across the 8-county service area and extrapolated across Appalachian Ohio.

Designed overarching broadband architecture for serving 100% of households in the rugged and foliage-covered geography of southern and eastern Ohio.  Generated financial analysis to quantify levels of subsidy required to offer a positive return on investment for potential service providers. Crafted persuasive filings to the FCC and presented the findings in person to the Commission.  Prepared and presented findings to policy makers, stakeholders and legislators at the Federal, State and local levels.