Reid Consulting Group’s broadband reality mapping expertise can help identify service gaps and prioritize project areas. Our independently sourced, statistically valid,
easy-to-understand analyses can help minimize the effects of lobbying and ensure that ISPs meet their subsidized deployment obligations.
Report on Broadband Planning Project
Ohio Valley Regional Development Commission, an EDA-funded project for this Council of Governments, July 2022
Report on Regional Broadband Feasibility Study
Ohio Mid-Eastern Governments Association, an EDA-funded project for this Council of Governments, July 20222
Report on Regional Broadband Feasibility
Buckeye Hills Regional Council, locally funded for this Council of Governments, July 2022
Report on Business Broadband Connectivity
Buckeye Hills Regional Council, EDA-funded for this Council of Governments, July 2022
Report on Broadband Availability across Missouri
The Missouri Association for Councils of Governments (MACOG) retained RCG to examine broadband availability at the state, RPC/COG, and county levels with special focus on 47 rural counties organized into 15 geographic clusters, November 2023.